The following table lists upcoming and past conferences, workshops, seminaries, and other events related to e-voting. No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information.
C: conference, S: seminary, W: workshop, SS: summer school
Please report important omissions and/or errors, see Contact.
Date | Name | Type | Place | Dedication to E-Voting | Submission |
2015 | |||||
September 2-4 | VoteID 2015 | C | Bern, Switzerland | high | |
January 26-30 | FC'15 | C | San Juan, Puerto Rico | medium | |
2014 | |||||
December 12-15 | PASSAT 2014 | C | Cambridge, MA, USA | medium | July 15, 2014 |
October 28 - November 1 | EVOTE2014 | C | Bregenz, Austria | high | |
October 28-31 | ICEGOV2014 | C | Guimarães, Portugal | medium | |
? | ePart 2014 | C | ? | medium | |
September 24-26 | World e-ID Congress | C | Marseille, France | medium | |
September 5 | Fourth Swiss E-Voting Workshop | W | Aarau, Switzerland | high | |
August 20-22 | USENIX Security'14 | C | San Diego, CA, USA | medium | February 27, 2014 |
August 18-19 | EVT/WOTE'14 (?) | C | San Diego, CA, USA | high | |
July 16-18 | PETS 2014 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | medium | February 10, 2014 | |
? | EGOV 2014 | C | Uxbridge, UK | ? | March 1, 2014 |
May 30 - June 2 | Cyber Security 2014 | C | San Diego, CA, USA | medium | March 1, 2014 |
May 21-23 | CeDEM14 | C | Krems, Austria | high | December 6, 2013 |
March 3-7 | FC'14 | C | Barbados | medium | November 2 |
January 22-24 | CPDP 2014 | C | Brussels, Belgium | medium | October 19, 2013 |
2013 | |||||
November 14-15 | PhD Days | W | Bern, Switzerland | high | |
October 22-25 | ICEGOV2013 | C | Seoul, Korea | medium | |
September 25-27 | World eID Congress | C | Nice, France | medium | |
September 17 | Elektronische Wahlen | W | Koblenz, Germany | high | April 30, 2013 |
September 17-19 | ePart 2013 | C | Koblenz, Germany | medium | |
September 16-19 | EGOV 2013 | C | Koblenz, Germany | medium | |
September 8-14 | PASSAT 2013 | C | Washington, DC, USA | medium | |
August 14-16 | USENIX Security'13 | C | Washington, DC, USA | medium | |
August 12-13 | EVT/WOTE 2013 (co-located with 22nd USENIX conference) | C | Washington, DC, USA | high | April 25, 2013 |
July 21-26 | HCI 2013, Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, special session on "Human Aspects of Verifiable Electronic Voting" (to be announced) | C | Las Vegas, USA | high | October 12, 2012 (abstract); February 1, 2013 (paper) |
July 17-19 | VoteID 2013 | C | Guildford, Surrey, UK | high | March 11, 2013 |
July 10-12 | PETS 2013 | C | Bloomington, Indiana, USA | medium | |
June 22-24 | CeDEM13 | C | Krems, Austria | high | |
April 8-9 | IFIP IDMAN 2013 | C | London, UK | low | October 26, 2012 |
April 1-5 | FC'13 | C | Okinawa, Japan | medium | |
January 23-25 | CPDP 2013 | C | Brussels, Belgium | medium | |
2012 | |||||
December 14-16 | Cyber Security 12 | C | Washington, DC, USA | low/medium | September 15, 2012 |
October 22-25 | ICEGOV 2012 | C | Albany, NY, USA | medium | April 2, 2012 |
September 19-20 | Chip-to-Cloud | C | Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France | low | March 23, 2012 |
September 6 | Third Swiss E-Voting Workshop | W | Bern, Switzerland | high | - |
September 3-7 | TrustBus’12 | C | Vienna, Austria | low | April 6, 2012 |
August 8–10 | USENIX Security'12 | C | Bellevue, WA, USA | medium | February 16, 2012 |
August 6-7 | EVT/WOTE'12 | W | Bellevue, WA, USA | high | May 11, 2012 |
July 24-27 | SECRYPT 2012 | C | Rome, Italy | low | March 5, 2012 |
July 15-20 | Summer School SecVote 2012 | SS | Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz, Germany | high | - |
July 12-14 | EVOTE2012 | C | Bregenz, Austria | high | February 3, 2012 |
July 11-13 | PETS 2012 | C | Vigo, Spain | medium | February 20, 2012 |
June 4-6 | IFIP SEC2012 | C | Heraklion, Crete, Greece | low | January 10, 2012 22:00 UTC |
May 3-4 | CeDEM12 | C | Krems, Austria | medium | September 15, 2011 |
April 15-19 | Eurocrypt 2012 | C | Cambridge, United Kingdom | medium | September 30th, 2011, 14.00 UTC |
February 27–March 2 | FC'12 | C | Bonaire, Caribic Islands | medium | September 15, 2011 |
January 25-27 | CPDP 2012 | C | Brussels, Belgium | medium | - |
2011 | |||||
September 26-28 | ICEGOV 2011 | C |
Tallinn, Estonia |
medium |
April 25, 2011 |
September 29-30 |
VoteID 2011 |
C |
Tallinn, Estonia |
high |
June 12, 2011 (extended) |
September 21-23 | Smart Event 2011 | C | Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France | medium | March 31, 2011 |
August 29 | REVOTE 2011 | C | Trento, Italy | high | June 8, 2011 (extended) |
August 8-9 |
W |
San Francisco, CA, USA |
high |
April 20, 2011 |
July 27-29 | PETS 2011 | C | Waterloo, Canada | medium | February 28, 2011 |
July 18-21 | SECRYPT
2011 |
C |
Seville, Spain | low | Feb. 3, 2011 |
July 10-15 | Verifiable Elections and the Public | S | Dagstuhl, Leibnitz, Germany | high | - |
June 7-9 |
IFIP SEC 2011 |
C |
Lucerne, Switzerland |
medium |
Nov. 15, 2010 |
May 15-19 | EUROCRYPT 2011 | C | Tallinn, Estonia | medium | Oct. 8, 2010 |
May 5-6 | CeDEM11 |
S |
Danube University Krems, Austria |
high |
Jan. 16, 2011 |
Feb 28-March 4 | FC'11 | C | St. Lucia | medium | - |
2010 | |||||
December 1-3 | ICISC | C | Seoul, Korea | medium | - |
November 24 |
Elektronische Wahlen |
S |
Darmstadt, Germany |
high |
- |
November 22-24 | IWSEC 2010 | C | Kobe, Japan | medium | - |
November 4 |
Participative democracy, E-Democracy. The experiences of the
Netherlands and Switzerland |
S |
Barcelona, Spain |
high |
- |
October 5-7 | ISSE 2010 | C | Berlin, Germany | low | - |
September 20-22 | ESORICS 2010 | C | Athens, Greece | high | - |
September 6 |
E-Voting Workshop |
W |
Fribourg, Switzerland |
high |
- |
September 1-4 |
SecVote 2010 |
SS |
Bertino, Italy |
high |
- |
August 9-10 |
C |
Washington DC, USA |
high |
Apr. 16, 2010 |
August 2-4 | ISSA 2010 | C | Sandton, South Africa | low | - |
July 21-24 |
EVOTE2010 |
C |
Bregenz, Austria |
high |
Feb. 12, 2010 |
May 30 - June 3 | EUROCRYPT 2010 | C | French Riviera, France | medium | - |
2009 | |||||
September 7-8 | VoteID 2009 | C | Luxembourg, Luxembourg | high | - |
August 10-11 | EVT/WOTE'09 | W | Montreal, Canada | high | - |
June 5, 2009 | Swiss E-Voting Workshop | W | Münchenwiler, Switzerland | high | - |
2008 | |||||
August 7-9 | EVOTE2008 | C | Bregenz, Austria | high | - |